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Invisalign Port Kennedy Review

Invisalign Port Kennedy

Invisalign, which is a popular alternative to traditional metal braces, allows patients to correct crooked teeth without the stigma of having a “metal mouth.” While it cannot address severe bite issues or severely misaligned teeth, invisalign for kids can improve mild crookedness and close small spaces. Invisalign’s clear trays make them discreet, which is great for patients who do not want to wear traditional braces. The trays are also removable, so they can be used with most foods. Invisalign’s removability also means that they can be easily cleaned to remove plaque and food debris, which is important for a healthy smile.


However, many people have misconceptions about how effective invisalign for invisalign port kennedy kids is and how long it will take to straighten their teeth. They may think that the trays will not be as effective as traditional braces or that they will move their teeth too quickly, which is not true. Invisalign for kids works just as quickly as traditional braces to straighten crooked teeth and close gaps, and the results will last as long as they continue to wear their trays.

A systematic review of the literature was performed using MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Library databases. The search strategy included the keywords “Invisalign,” “plastic systems,” and “accuracy,” as well as a manual search of clinical trials. Studies were included if they were written in English, had a minimum of 10 patients, and studied dental movement by superimposing virtual models or radiographs in 2 or 3 dimensions. Invisalign claims that it can resolve, without additional techniques, rotations of 40deg in upper and lower central incisors and 45deg in canines and premolars, intrusions and extrusions of 2.5 mm in anterior teeth, and radicular movements of 4 mm and 2 mm in posterior teeth. Invisalign also asserts that it can treat malocclusions with overbite and overjet up to 6 mm and underbite and underjet up to 2

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